The man in the woods

It started a normal day we were at our family camp. I was walking with my friend Leo when we here a bunch of kids talking in the park it was the stupid gang the black horns. the gang leader was known as korban and he has a family history, he called use to come over after a few seconds of hesitating, I decided to deny. But korban did not take no for an answer I got a shove from a kid behind us and he ended up blocking our escape so I had to come over. after a few minutes of insults, they told us that they had some advice for me and my family. I did not care much, he told us some story about a killer that killed the old owners of the camp, and told us that’s why it was up for sail, I told him he was full of B, S and left he didn't try to stop us he just made a few insults. I got home by midnight and my mom was asleep I snuck in my tent to find a note it was Leo he wanted me to meet him in the woods and the note told me to bring a gun. I got my hunting knife and shotgun and headed out he had hidden machete with him he told me he made a deal with the gang, he said that if we go in the woods for the rest of the night and stay they will pick us up in the clearing and give us the money my family needed to get a house (by the way my house burned down like a week ago so this will help). We got to the clearing by afternoon the next day. we set up the tent and it was almost 9 by the time we were done. Meaning that I had to get Leo here to get ready for the night. He got there by 11 and we got in to bed for the night. We woke to a large clatter outside it must have been in the middle of the night , I woke Leo and told him to arm himself he got his machete and I got my gun I was first out so I opined the tent by a smudge nothing I opined it all the way and got out I got my shoes and took a look around then a masked man jump from behind a wolf head looking bosh it was Koran he took his mask off and started giggling like a toddler then all the gang came out and started laughing I settled down a bit and watch as they laugh  that’s when one of the gang noticed a mission member we all went silent and looked that’s when Koran called out his name LORREN! LORREN! Nothing happened I was about to call out but I stopped cold paralyzed by the dead teen hanged on the tree we all started screaming a few minutes passed before I got them to settle down they all had knives at the ready I told them to create a kill circle. they did as they were told all except Koran he was mission to where did he go he was right here a minute ago. I knew where he was I looked up and sure enough he was there he was along with 20 other different body’s we all got scared but none made a sound like we had lost our voices and the night had gone completely silent that’s when we heard screaming a mad grabbed a gang member a hauled him up and with one swift mothing the man had killed the bot by bracken his neck as easily as butter then we all got scared I shot my gun u ntile I was out I was sure to hit it if not all this noise should have woken someone up and they must be looking for us that’s when It all made sense they should have been hear by now all the body’s in the tree where all the visitors and my mother was among them all dead we ran and the man chased us he picked us off one by one me and Leo where the only ones who reached the camp ground when we got cornered by multiple figures and all with masks I knew I was going to die but sirens came from all around me and the creators ran the police plus my mother came from a cruiser and all held guns at the bushes that the men fled. thy wasted like fifty rounds before they stopped I was taken to the police but I finally notice they grabbed Leo it was a night that I will never forget there are still reports of men in the woods and people disappearing I will never be the same.